We have long been committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in making society a place where everybody is healthier, safer, and happier. Trying to uphold a spirit of mutual aid, we have participated in numerous volunteer programs and support activities.

Recognizing that social value creation is a corporate responsibility and essential for our future, Korean Re has been involved in numerous actions to improve the lives of all employees and communities.


Social Contribution | Korean Re employees are always willing to lend a helping hand for those in need. In fact, we often take the time to join disaster relief efforts and support charity activities for neighborhoods that are struggling financially.

Employees | We promote a healthy work-life balance philosophy across the board, and are doing our best to make Korean Re the best place to work. Employees are given diverse job training, while also being provided with the opportunity to engage in global talent nurturing programs to increase their competence. In addition, we have enhanced benefits for our employees to ensure they are satisfied with their jobs and workplace.